Regulatory Disclaimer/ Disclosure under SEBI Research Analysts Regulation, 2014

That Tejinder Singh Bhandohal is SEBI registered Research Analyst. The Research reports contains herein, or social media channels owned by Tejinder Singh Bhandohal are issued to the registered clients. The Research Report is based on the facts, figures and information that are considered true, correct, reliable and available in public domain. The information is obtained from publicly available media or other sources believed to be reliable. The report is prepared solely for informational purpose and does not constitute an offer document or solicitation to buy or sell or subscribe for securities or other financial instruments for clients.

That Tejinder Singh Bhandohal has not received any financial compensation from the companies mentioned in the said reports for the express purpose of preparing these reports. All research reports contained herein or distributed to registered users are made using best technical analysis tools and systems and every care is taken while preparing them to ensure their accuracy and efficacy. However, we disclaim all liabilities arising from the research reports that are proven to be inaccurate, wrong or faulty in due course.

That Tejinder Singh Bhandohal or Advise2Invest do not own more than 1% shares in any of the companies we have prepared research reports that are carried in the pages of this website.